Welcome to MobileWirelessJobs!

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Welcome to MobileWirelessJobs!
You are now viewing the very first thread ever on MobileWirelessJobs!
This is because you either have:
1) Created A New User Account
2) Attempted to Comment on a Thread with an existing account
Either way, please return to our home page. If you were commenting on a thread, please revisit that thread through a search. Sorry for the hassle!
Click on the “Comment” link one more time (for the thread you were trying to respond to) – the system SHOULD recognize you as being logged in this time. There is no need to re-login if you reached this page.
If you have cookies enabled, the site should remember you ever time you visit us and you can comment on every thread as you wish without having to go through this page.
If your cookies are disabled, you will unfortunately have to reach this page again and need to go back to the home page and find the thread all over again.
Either way, by virtue of reaching this page today – you will not need to login again for this session. So ignore the text link at the top right corner of the site that says “login” if you wish to comment today. Even though it appears you are not logged in – you actually are by virtue of reaching this page. Geeesh!
Hopefully this makes sense! Email us if you have any questions!


This thread was created on the first day of our launch – February 26, 2006.
