@Hire: Senior Software Engineer, Santa Barbara, CA

Senior Software Engineer
Santa Barbara, CA
JOB ID #289465
Seasoned Senior Software Engineer needed to mentor junior team members and be responsible for redesign of client desktop software. Will develop for cross platform environments/OS (Mac, Linux, Windows). Mobile development (Brew/J2ME) set to follow later this year. Must be able to program in C++ with solid methodologies, OOA/OOD/OOP and work well to reschedule and deliver as required.
Excellent benefits and stable company funding, etc.
For immediate consideration please send word.doc resume to jobs@athire.com and reference JOB ID #289465
Kimberly Kogan
Executive Recruiter
@HIRE, Inc.
v/f: 877.699.4473 x803
c: 415.699.0189
listing jobs @Hire Santa Barbara California USA
Please reference MobileWirelessJobs.com when responding.