2it Recruitment Consulting: Account Director Mobile Content Distribution, Mumbai, India

Account Director – Mobile Content Distribution
Our client is a UK Listed leading global provider of hit music, popular comedy and leading Hollywood entertainment content to handsets and other wireless devices, whose mobile expertise and Music distribution platform is used globally by some of the world’s largest media groups and more than 100 mobile phone networks.
They are seeking a dynamic Account Director to handle Mobile Content Distribution based in Mumbai or Delhi, India. The applicant will have a minimum of 3 years experience and thorough understanding of the Indian mobile service provider market.
Chiefly the role will entail:
• Marketing top movies, entertainment and hit music content in the Asia based carrier market;
• Maintaining and developing relationships across key stakeholders in accounts;
• Managing activity, customer expectations/satisfaction across project and business lines of activity
The ideal candidate would have a background in mobile content, would follow popular music and entertainment and be familiar with downloading media content to a mobile phone. Additionally the candidate would possess the following:-
• Strong knowledge and relationships in Indian mobile carrier market.
• Willingness to aggressively pursue and build relationships at senior levels within customer/potential customer organisations.
• A structured target selling approach to the maintenance and building of relationships within customer(s).
• Demonstrated prior ability to achieve sales targets.
ALL interested parties please apply with full confidence your resume, references, current (if possible, past) and expected salary to the Attention the Search Director Attn: Matthew Meszaros on email mmeszaros@2it.com.au . MUST INCLUDE job position in the subject line.
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