AAI Corporation: Principal Systems Engineer Architect, Hunt Valley, MD

Principal Systems Engineer Architect
Hunt Valley, MD
Perform as an expert in the systems engineering discipline with technical expertise in a broad range of unmanned aircraft systems or related technologies. Lead the development of enhancements to existing systems designs and develops unique systems solutions using emerging and advanced technologies. Capable of working in a group environment with demonstrated abilities at developing a team environment. Participation extends from proposal development through customer product acceptance.
Duties include: technical planning, architecture development, requirement development at the system and subsystem level of design, interface definition, and allocation of requirements to hardware and software. Responsible for coordination of engineering teams comprised of systems, aerospace, mechanical, electrical, software, test, logistics, manufacturing, and specialty engineers. Develop and grow the engineering staff.
Required Skills
• Requires a detailed understanding of system level architecture designs of aerodynamic, mechanical, electrical, computer and software systems.
• Proven effective written and oral communication skills.
• Demonstrated ability to apply logical or scientific thinking to a wide range of intellectual and practical problems.
• Effective ability to organize and prioritize tasks for engineering teams.
• Preferred Skills: Architectural development using UML/DODAF modeling tools.
• Requirements management using DOORS or similar software application.
Required Experience
• Requires fifteen years of design related and/or systems engineering experience.
• Five years of experience leading groups of 5 or more engineers.
• Experience with unmanned system technologies related to: aircraft systems, RF communications, mission payloads, computerized control stations, and military ground vehicle integration.
• Experience with developing equipment to meet rigorous military standards such as Mil-Std-810 and Mil-Std-461.
To apply, please send resume with cover letter, indicating salary requirements and position of interest, to: http://www.aaicorp.com/hr/emplopp.htm
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Equal Oppty Employer, m/f/d/v.
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