Meet the “Keeper of the Blog”
Hello MobileWirelessJobs readers. I would like to introduce myself to you. My name is Carl Schumacher and I have recently been entrusted with the job of being the “Keeper of the Blog” for this website. Now you say how was I given this glorious title and huge responsibility? I am glad you asked!
For the last nine years, I have been recruiting primarily in the Telecommunications and Wireless Content space. I currently work at Electronic Search a 30+ year old boutique staffing firm, focused on Wireless, Mobile, Telecomm and Public Safety Staffing & Recruiting. My title is Executive Recruiter, Wireless & Digital Content, and in my nine year tenure, I have placed individuals at the C level, VP, Director, Manager, Account Exec & Engineer level for a host of companies.
Companies include: Nokia, Motorola, AT&T, Sony BMG Digital, CBS Wireless, Handmark, Novarra,
Gameloft, Superscape, Navteq, 7 Layers and a bevy of other smaller, not as recognizable named companies. So like you, I live, eat & breathe wireless.
Besides this, I also selectively do career coaching, job seminars and write my own blog already at “Tips and Irreverent Viewpoints of a Wireless Executive Recruiter”. So, when Rob Salerno the “Chief Dude” (a position senior to “keeper of the Blog”) at MobileWirelessJobs connected with me, we “Linkedin” and my heart was all a “Twitter” to join the team.
OK so enough about ME. What’s in it for YOU!
What we will be presenting in this blog is content written for the person looking for a job in Mobile & Wireless, hiring for a job in Mobile & Wireless, and the general state of the Mobile & Wireless job market. As the “Keeper of the Blog”, my opinions and perspective will of course be included, but even I can get tired of hearing my self talk (just kidding, that will never happen). So, you the reader are invited to present your content to this Blog. Be it an article, a video, a picture or a cartoon, all content is welcome! Just send it to me at
Now there are a few ground rules:
1. The material needs to be original content: Do not send me your favorite Dilbert cartoon throwing a cell phone at his boss, or an article you plucked out of the New York Times. We don’t need copyright problems & also what will make this blog worth experiencing is the uniqueness of the content presented…
2. Leave comments on the blog postings: What makes a blog a blog is the two way discussion that occurs. Otherwise, it is just an article. Comments will be monitored for spam and inappropriateness, but most likely will be posted, whether it is positive, negative or whatever you care to say.
3. The material needs to be relevant to the topic: We can appreciate if you have a rant about the fat content in fast food burgers, but this is not the arena for it.
Well, I am excited to get started. So, like the first drunk at a Karaoke Bar, I will kick it off with the first blog: “Ten Simple Rules to Writing an Effective Resume “. So, send me your posts! If you have questions, feel free to email me with them as well.